Friday, April 17, 2009


So let's just say Montreal gave me some weird ass dreams. I dreamt I wished my ex's fiance mazal tov in a smaller scale Grand Central Station after seeing him and his parents from afar and being embarrassed for using a payphone. I dreamt I saw her on a sunny street where she didn't recognize me and instead spoke to me depending on the kindness of strangers and I stole something that was once in Iran. I dreamt something I won't describe here but it was real and made my heart rush from adrenaline.

And then there were the nights this past week where I couldn't sleep from excitement. From the possibility of actually being able to spend more than 2 weeks in Israel. From the possibility of actually being able to spend more than one month in Israel. I almost don't want to talk about it because I don't want to jinx it but I have big thoughts big plans and they definitely involve working out of Tel Aviv cafes and breakfast on the beach. Or wherever the heck hangs out and gets those waffles. Thoughts like these (and others) make my heart a-flutter and I can hardly contain my excitement. Just thinking about it makes me giddy. B'ezrat Hashem I hope to have more deets in these coming weeks. In the meanwhile I will soak up the sun in between performances in sunny Florida and pretend I am looking down the tayelet towards Yaffo.

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