Wednesday, June 27, 2007

So this is the deal...

I've decided that it's time to start a more adult chapter of my life. After a mini, less adult hiatus and a visit from bf, I've decided that I need to start making money. Money itself does not make me happy, but the security it provides does, and therefore just like most other Israelis, I have decided to find a job in NY, save money and when I think I have enough, go back to Israel - hopefully in a year or two tops with some visits in between.

While I find NY to be less fulfilling, I need to grow up already and start thinking about my future. I'm going to want things like a house and kids and the ability to purchase $200 shoes without thinking twice again, and so hopefully my time in NY will give me the good kick in the butt that I need.

I knew certainty was at my fingertips and now it's almost in my hands. I feel it brewing in my chest. While I am not looking forward to working for the man, I am looking forward to waking up at 7 AM and having a normal schedule again. I'm looking forward to dress pants and pointy shoes. I'm looking forward to a gym membership where I hold a passport to work out freely and incorporate it into my schedule, working it in between the office and a poetry reading or shiur. I'm looking forward to company-sponsored happy hours and not looking at the street while I walk to make sure I don't step in dog poop.

But I will miss my friends in Tel Aviv and the warm feeling I get in knowing I can pop by a Ginrod's apartment on the way to Ulpan, or ask to use bf's bathroom after a rally at Kikar Rabin. I'll miss the beach on Shabbat. Pot luck dinners. Friday brunch at Cafe Joe. Friends who come from all over the world to meet in this beautiful country we call Home.

Meetings are already being set up for next week. Hopefully it'll all be worth it. But the one thing I know is that if it's not, I can always tell my boss to shove it and return Home. Until then, I hope to see you in August.

1 comment:

The Ginrod said...

Your place is always saved in the dinner table of my heart my sweet. xxx