Monday, July 23, 2007


Ever since I knew what it was - ever since I first saw the aftermath -
temporary lines on his arms showing his commitment to G-d -
ever since I saw him put it on
in his own little world
That's when I knew something was special and I...loved...tefillin...

Yes, those brown boxes with the leather straps traditionally deemed only for men as a daily reminder - you have a covenant with G-d
Something so special, how lucky you are (yeah right lucky, you try waking up every morning and doing this daily)
Something which led to my M.O. - "Tefillin is sexy" - and it is

Ask any Jewish man who has ever known me
Ask any religious girl and she will tell you
The lines on your arm are hot
And the mark in your hair makes us hot
And yes, this seems blasphemous, I know
And no, this is not some sick little fetish I adopted some years ago
But this is simply what my neshama - my soul - gets excited for

For whatever reason it has been my unknown duty to let it be known to men who are dawdling on the line, thinking, "Do I or don't I?"

That allowing yourself to submit to the Rabbi doing kiruv on the street
And making a bracha, wrapping the straps around your arm, positioning it in place on your head in the mirror, taking the care to make sure it is just right,
Showing Hashem that you care enough to take advantage of your mitzvah and all those things combined
It is all worth the rosiness that creeps into my cheeks when I say in front of said Rabbi that tefillin is sexy, and I want you to know it, especially if it will help you to stop thinking and just cross the line
So that some nice little Jewish girl with a "dark" side can see your lines on your arm
And flash you a smile

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