Sunday, March 2, 2008

These are the things I know to be true

1. I really miss Israel. Everything about it. The smells, the sun, the rude people, the pushing, the fighting just to have a place in line at the supermarket. The produce, the madness of the shuk on a Friday, being able to toivel dishes in the Mediterranean Sea on the same day as getting your tongue pierced on a first date. My friends, my extended family, my friends who have become my family. My open mic which is no longer "my" open mic. Magic Burger, Cafe Joe, the kosher ice cream place a few blocks up from Kikar Rabin, Kikar Rabin and the heart that was painted on the steps. Memories of standing at Kikar Rabin on top of those steps. Avoiding the people offering free hugs but smiling while watching others get free hugs. Chatting with the kiosk guy next to Magic Burger. Meatos, Ginsburg, Alter Nativ, Brunos, Big Apple Pizza, and any other kosher food joint I love and used to frequent. The beach, Yaffo, walking on the beach and looking at Yaffo. Old school Lima Lima on a Thursday night. Complaining about going to Lima Lima every Thursday night. Claras. Complaining about going to Claras. Weddings I wish I was at. And so much more.

2. I know that I am a perfect example of not knowing what you've got until it's gone. Or at least until there's that threat of it being gone. Because now that the threat is there, I want it so desperately that I'm making mental plans for the future. This is not like me.

3. My job gives me anxiety. But I think I am going to continue to pretend I love it so I can move up the corporate ladder. Plus, I really do like my new Crackberry.

4. I believe that technology brings people closer together in theory. In practice is a whole other story. Maybe I'm a Luddite.

Luddite \LUH-dyte\ noun

: one of a group of early 19th century English workmen destroying laborsaving machinery as a protest; broadly : one who is opposed to especially technological change

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