Friday, December 19, 2008

I had a dream about you last night

It was so vivid and felt so real, like I actually believed we were hanging out together again. And you looked so good, it was so great to see you - I even said that in my dream - like we were old friends who were reuniting after some time spent apart.

Of course the setting is Israel, in a hall and the event felt like a wedding however the celebration was only in honor of you. And when I got there, it felt like I belonged. Your friends were wearing light blue t-shirts with cute, possibly Zionistic, statements reminiscent of an American bar mitzvah. We laughed, I think we danced. You led me around and I was so ecstatic to be there. I like to believe that you were thinking of me in those moments I was dreaming. Like you willed us to be together, even if it was in a parallel universe - the only one where we can be together.

I wish I could tell this to only you, so that you would take my sentiment as sincere. But I still feel like I'm treading shallow water, walking on eggshells, any saying that will let you know I'm insecure.

I wish so many things had happened differently. I wish I could only say them out loud. To you. Alas, the Sabbath beckons me nearer, and I hope to meet you again tonight in a parallel universe that is our own.

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