Monday, February 12, 2007

Melancholy and the Infinite Sickness

I feel like I have been sick since I got here, but in truth I have been sick since 2 weeks after I got here, when I was stressed from the fear of not being able to find an apartment or a job and to live on my friends' couches out of my suitcases and borrow money from friends in the States or what seemed even worse at the time - go home. Go back to NY.

Knowing that this time was harder than the last, knowing that I was truly on my own although surrounded by so many people who made me feel loved, I felt drained and scared and tired and homeless until I also felt sick...

And then I also felt better. And better with a lingering cough but nothing dihabilitating. And better. And sick again but not as sick as the first time. And then better. And now like this. The doctor says I have bronchitis which is super fun! But not so bad where I need to be on drugs. He told me that I just need to have patience because everyone is sick here and we're just passing it on to one another. But how much patience can I have when I have been sick three (3!) times within the past 2 months. It's depressing and no one believes me. Not even the doctor. So I demanded antibiotics and I think at this point I'm willing to sacrifice drinking for ten (10!) days in order to have good health...

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